Tuesday 1 October 2013

Having Pets can affect your health

Having Pets can affect your health Most people love to have pets in their homes. They love them, cuddle with them and treat them like family. Some keep pets in their home and some outside I mean in the yard of the house. But have you ever thought that the very pet can be the cause of your illness. Many infectious diseases can spread from animals to people. So, having pets in homes can lead to numerous disease which may prove fatal. This includes diseases from dogs, diseases from cats, diseases from birds, or diseases from reptiles. Read on to know how to safeguard your pet and your family against maladies. Today I will let you know about few skin infections you can get from your beloved pets and steps you can take to prevent them. You need to teach children not to kiss pets or put their hands in their mouths after touching them. Repeated hand washing and regular vet checks are two other great ways to help prevent a wide range of diseases from pets.

The hookworm is a bloodsucking nematode that lives in the small intestine of its host, which may be a mammal such as a dog, cat. Two species of hookworms commonly infect humans. Humans pick up the eggs or larvae on their skin from contaminated soil when walking barefoot in parks and gardens frequented by animals. Hookworm larvae have the aptitude to break in human skin and a rash forms on the skin where the larva enters. The most common area for a rash is on the feet of a person. It can also cause senausty cough, chest pain, wheezing, fever, epigastric pains, indigestion, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrohoea.
The World Health Organization estimations that hookworm disease affects 740 million people across the world. Once a big problem in the southeastern United States, hookworm disease is now chiefly controlled in this country.
The other disease is Rabies which generally transmitted through the bite of an infected (crazy-eyed, foaming-at-the-mouth) animal. The rabies can have severe affects on your nervous system and finally lead to death. Its early causes are fever, headache, and general weakness or discomfort.
Ringworm is a fungal infection which leads to ring-shaped rash on the skin or a bald patch on the scalp. It is passed on easily from pets to people, and from people to people. If you have direct contact with an infected animal then you are apt to have the ringworm disease.
 The other disease is Cat scratch disease (bartonellosis), it  usually follows a bite or scratch from a cat, with a mild infection and flu-like symptoms or more serious problems such as damage to the valves in the heart.
There are numerous other pet's disease which can affect your health and can be the cause of severe illness. Now there is a need to know how people can stay free from the pet diseases.the following steps will be helpful for safety;
·         Frequently wash your hands with soap and running water after touching animals.
·         Avoid playing with them.
·         If your pets behave unusual take them to veterinary doctor.if your pet bites you wash the area immediately with soap.
·         Wash your hands before eating and wash your fruits and vegetables before serving them.
·         People with weakened immune systems should take special precautions. They don’t need to kiss pet or to be licked by the pet.
·         Use shoes while walking in your garden and don't let your pet drink from toilet bowls or eat feces.
I hope the above mentioned tips will help you a lot. If you find them suitable for you comment below:

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