Monday 6 January 2014

Pakistan Energy Forum 2014 on Feb 27

Pakistan Energy Forum 2014 on Feb 27
The 6Th Pakistan Energy Forum 2014 (formerly Pakistan Oil & Gas Country Forum) organized every year by SHAMROCK Conferences International. will be held on Feb 27, 2014 from 9.30 a.m. at the Marriott Hotel, Islamabad.  The annual conclave of practitioners is expected to attract several investor groups from countries who have desired to assist Pakistan with its energy requirements. The concerned ministries, regulatory bodies, exploration and production sector, power producing and distribution companies, oil marketing companies and organizations engaged in renewable resources will also be featured in the meeting.
Menin Rodrigues, Chairman of the Conference said, “Pakistan’s energy demand is growing rapidly, production is insufficient and power shortages have challenged industries and regulators.
The oil and gas industry, the power sector and alternate renewable sources have the answer to come up with sustainable solutions; additionally attractive investment opportunities need to be packaged for FDI.”
“All stakeholders in the energy sector of Pakistan have the responsibility to confront these issues afflicting the nation today, and to plan a better tomorrow for the people of Pakistan,” he added.
The Forum will feature distinguished collaborators, moderators and panelists in the four designated sectors namely Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Alternates/Renewable and Investments. The participants are expected to discuss threadbare critical issues that continue to remain as stumbling blocks in addressing energy problems in Pakistan, and conclude with decisive recommendations for its immediate redressing.
The Pakistan Energy Forum 2014 invites participants to confirm their attendance at

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